Logs End White Oak River ReclaimedDuring the log drive heyday, logs were floated downriver to be processed. Visitors to the Logs End showroom often ask how the lumber barons companies were able to identify the seemingly endless flow of logs. Thus enters the lumber baron stamps (aka timber mark) display.

Timber Marking Act of 1870

In 1870, the Timber Marking Act was passed. Logging companies in New Brunswick, Québec and Ontario were required to develop and register a unique identifier or “trade mark”. All cut trees had to be stamped with the identifying mark. Failure to use a timber mark incurred a fine of $50.00. Applying a mark to another company’s timber was a serious offence and resulted in a fine of $100.00.

For those interested in delving deeper into timber marking and the associated stamps, be sure to check out this incredible resource: https://openlibrary.org/books/OL23351749M/The_lumberman’s_timber_mark_guide

Logs End River Reclaimed Timber & Stamp Collection

Every summer, the team from Logs End cuts off the lumber baron stamps. We collect the different marks for our growing collection, while offering some to clients who wish to display this unique piece of history in their home.

Want to learn more about the logging industry or how Logs End recovers the lost logs? Come visit our showroom at 66 Iber Road in Stittsville, Ontario, Canada.