Individuals building their first homes often worry as to which flooring they would like to place in their homes. The large selection of wide plank hardwood flooring compounds this problem as one is presented with even more choices to choose from. While construction schedules are known to vary greatly, the project has to proceed with set time schedules if it is to remain cost-effective. As such, you need to select the type of floor you intend to place on your property well before the floor is actually required.
Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect hardwood floors for your property.
The type of hardwood floor would ultimately depend on your tastes as well as you current budget. As such, it is important that you learn all there is to know about the different wood species available for flooring as well as the different grades present for each type of wood. This would include learning more about the individual properties of the different types of wood such as hardness, strength, etc.
It is important to consider the plank widths of the wood you would like to buy. Individuals looking to buy wide plank flooring i.e. flooring where each plank has a width of five inches or more have to keep in mind that the width of the plank plays a key role in determining the cost of a particular floor. Moreover, plank widths also have a huge say on the visual impression a wood floor gives off.
You might also want to consider whether you need finished or unfinished flooring. In some cases, this would be pre-determined by factors out of your control such as your lease agreement. However, if you do get a say on the finish of your floors, carefully consider the look that you are going for. A lot of people prefer site finished flooring rather than prefinished floors as these tend to have snug, square edges with no bevels.
Pre-finished wood floors tend to have micro-beveled edges on the plank sides. Whichever you decide to use, it is important to remember that in most cases, the cost of having prefinished flooring is somewhat higher than choosing a professional to finish your floors on site.
Lastly, consider your current construction budget and how much you need to set aside for your floors. While it shouldn’t be too much, it is always a good idea to set aside a little extra to cater for unforeseen circumstances.